Describe a time you spent a lot of money on something

- What was the thing
- When you bought it
- For whom did you buy
- Are you happy with your purchase

ielts speaking topics

Describe a time you spent a lot of money on something - IELTS Speaking Sample

I like shopping, but I put in a lot of thought before I make the decision to buy something, especially when it is something expensive.

Here, I would like to talk about a time when I spent a lot on something I bought.

It was actually a gift for my mother, that I gave to her on Mother’s Day.

She’s the backbone of our family and takes very good care of all of us.

She’s now retired, but even while she was working, she ensured that the home-front was never neglected.

I’ve always wanted to do something special for her for all the love and care she showers on us.

So last year, on Mother’s Day I gifted her a Singer Sewing machine.

She had been talking about getting a new sewing machine, but never got around to buying it.

I took help from one of my cousin’s who is an expert at sewing and has knowledge about the latest features.

We decided on a Singer sewing machine as it had some good features and seemed perfect for my mother to use.

Its cost was around Rs. 15000, but I got a discount on it and I paid Rs. 13000 for it.

I won’t really think of that amount as a lot of money, considering that it was a gift for my mother.

However, I never had bought something that expensive on my own.

I arranged it to be delivered on Mother’s Day.

An expert brought it and also gave a tutorial to my mother about how to use it and its various features.

She was impressed with it and especially with the feature that it could thread the needle automatically.

She now uses it regularly and keeps sewing things for us and as gifts for others.

I am glad I was able to get her something that she really wanted and I can never forget the joy on her face when she saw it.

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